Relevant Publications |
There are many books and pamphlets printed concerning Masonry in general, but a few which are of particular importance to Etruscan Lodge are available and are outlined below: An Epitomy of the History of Etruscan Lodge from 1847 to 1947 - Compiled by W.Bro. R.L.D. Austerberry The Complete Workings of Craft Freemasonry - Compiled by A.Lewis 1902 Masonic Records 1847-1907 - Compiled by W.Bro. W.R. Blair Beyond The Pillars - More Light on Freemasonry - Masonic Holdings, Hamilton Canada 1973 |
A Royal Arch Chapter is attached to this lodge and any Master Masons of four weeks standing and upwards are eligible for proposal. Information may be obtained from the Royal Arch Representative of the Lodge who can be contacted via the Contact Secretary link on the contact menu on this website.