Etruscan Lodge 546

Lodge History

The first Etruscan Lodge no. 803 met at the Bridge Inn, Etruria from 1803 to 1807

when it was relocated to the Talbot Inn Stoke, where it remained for the next forty

years until it was erased from the Grand Lodge register.

The warrant of the Lodge had to be surrendered to the Grand Lodge in September

1847 and the present Warrant was issued dated 13th October 1847,

still with the number 803.

The first Worshipful Master of the new Lodge was Samuel Baker who reigned

for the first two years, when William Kenwright Harvey was installed.

W. Bro. Harvey later became The Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire in 1864.

On 6th July 1863 the Grand Lodge altered the number of the Lodge to 546 as it is today.

A complete history of the first 150 years of the Lodge is available on a CD and will be

made available via the Contact Secretary link.

The number of Brethren now numbers twenty eight active members,

who play a role, and enjoy our ceremonies and our fellowship at the Festive Board.

We have a number of regular visitiors who enjoy our lodge, and always recieve a

special Etruscan welcome. Any Brethren thinking of visiting please contact our Secretary who

will be pleased to reply.



The Centenary of the Lodge was celebrated in 1947.

Four of the commemorative jewels have survived.

The jewels have recently been refurbished and are to be worn by the Worshipful Master and Wardens of the Lodge for their year in office.

The fourth jewel will be displayed at Lodge meetings.

Lodge Banner.

A special visitor was present at the February meeting of Etruscan Lodge. After the ceremony, the Worshipful Master invited Bro. Sean Mc Laughlin to approach the pedestal.

He then presented him with a booklet of the history of the Lodge which had been produced to celebrate the squicenentennial anniversary in 1977, explaining that Bro. Mc Laughlin's Grandfather, the late W. Bro. Robert Leivers PPrPAGDC, had been Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1954, and that he had presented the current banner to the Lodge.

The picture shows the banner, the shape being unique in the entire province of Staffordshire. This is being supported by W. Bro. Bernard Buttery, Acting Junior Warden, and the then Senior Warden.  In front are Bro. Sean Mc Laughlin, left and the Worshipful Master. W. Bro. Andy Mapperson.


Etruscan Lodge 546 Crest

Etruscan Lodge 546 Logo
Our crest incorporating The
Etruscan Vase and The
Stafford Knot

United Grand Lodge of England

Link to the UGLE website

Provincial Grand Lodge

Link to the PGL website
PGL Staffordshire

Royal Arch Chapter

A Royal Arch Chapter is attached to this lodge and any Master Masons of four weeks standing and upwards are eligible for proposal. Information may be obtained from the Royal Arch Representative of the Lodge who can be contacted via the Contact Secretary link on the contact menu on this website.

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